SEUR collaborates with healthcare and the most vulnerable groups
Press release 14 April 2020
Madrid, 15 April 2020 - The company has already delivered more than 240,000 masks, thousands of kilos of sanitary and hygiene material, and more than 33 tons of food for vulnerable families throughout Spain for free.
SEUR is one of the companies whose services are considered essential and therefore continues to be active during the Alarm State. An activity that is allowing to collaborate with society, healthcare personnel and the most needed groups through its logistics network and operational capacity.
Both through its network throughout Spain, and through the SEUR Foundation, the company is transporting and delivering donations from its clients to healthcare personnel and social aid foundations throughout Spain. To date, SEUR has already delivered to hospitals, nursing homes, security forces and other professional groups exposed to the virus more than 240,000 masks, thousands of screens and other sanitary material donated by different companies that have modified their production to meet the demand for protective material. SEUR is taking over the collection of this donated material and its transport and delivery throughout Spain to hospitals, nursing homes, security forces and other professional groups exposed to the virus.
The IFEMA Field Hospital, the largest in Spain at the moment, is one of the destinations for all these donations. SEUR has already delivered 450 kilos of sanitary footwear and more than 2,200 kilos of hygiene products donated by Paradores. And thanks to SEUR Now more than 500 menus prepared by the restaurant Carbón Negro are delivered daily to healthcare personnel of this hospital.
People in need have become even more vulnerable with this pandemic. These groups have received more than 33 tons of food from SEUR donated by the Madrid Food Bank.
Technology has once again become an enabling and essential element in this crisis. Donations of computer equipment to families without resources with children also stand out, so that they can continue their teaching activity, as well as mobile devices to hospitals that allow patients to establish contact with their families.
Transport plays a fundamental role in these moments, and these and many other solidarity actions are launched daily. SEUR's commitment in this extraordinary situation is to provide its logistical structure in solidarity, ensuring the safety of workers, customers and recipients and wishing that the situation returns to normal as soon as possible.
About SEUR
Our 75 years of history have allowed us to be pioneers in the urgent transport in Spain, and the work of our 8,000 professionals lead the sector with three main areas of business: international, e-commerce and B2B business. We provide services to companies of all sizes and sectors, and as part of DPDgroup, one of the largest international urgent transport networks, we deliver all over the world.
SEUR constantly invests in innovation to be closer to our customers and offer them greater flexibility through solutions such as Predict, interactive system to arrange delivery, or Now, for super urgent deliveries in one or two hours.
SEUR commits to sustainable logistics with the integration of alternative delivery systems in large cities such as the use of ecological vehicles, our network of Pickup points with more than 2,300 local stores or the use of lockers and urban hubs.
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For more information
Maite Garaycochea / Rocío Fraile
SEUR Communication and Brand department